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Requesting a DSA Needs Assessment takes about 20 minutes.
If you are filling in this form for someone else (e.g. a son/daughter) then please use their details, apart from email/mobile which can be yours (as the main point of contact).
We need your home address for your report, as it is sent to your funding body.
If you have a term address. This can be used in your report for equipment delivery, or accommodation costs.
How you would prefer your assessment to be carried out?
No Preference Face-to-Face Video Call, via MS Teams. Telephone Other
Please explain the reason(s) for this preference, to help us assist you:
Is there anything specific we should bear in mind when communicating with you? e.g. you need larger print size, you prefer email, text messaging, phone calls, time when we can contact you, etc:
You can log in with your email address and this password at a later date to review the assessment, upload supporting documents, and access your final report.
Passwords need to be at least 6 characters, but longer passwords are better.